Ronel Talks Money: Financing Tips
In this Ronel Talks Money show we discuss all things finance related. Christiaan Jansen, a finance specialist from ‘at threesixty finance’ shares great financing tips. Whether you consider buying a new home, want to invest in property, want to start a business, struggle to get financing as an entrepreneur, consider alternative funding solutions, you will benefit from this discussion. Christiaan also gives advice how to save on your home loan.
A few of the questions we answer in this interview:
- Tell us more about at threesixty finance and what you do?
- Buying a residential property – is a bond / home loan through a commercial bank still the best route to go?
- How would financing your primary residence and an investment property be different?
- What are the costs you need to consider that a bond / home loan will most likely not cover?
- Should you buy property cash (or pay a big deposit) or rather finance most of it?
- What are the things (requirements) that banks look at when applying for finance?
- Buying an investment property in your own name versus in a company – what are the pros and cons?
- There is a perception that entrepreneurs struggle to get finance – is it true and what can entrepreneurs do to enable them to buy property?
- If you cannot manage to get a bond approved at a bank, what alternative solutions are available for people who would like to start an investment property portfolio?
- For people considering venturing into agriculture – is it difficult to obtain finance and what should you know about?
- Business financing – there is a perception that banks / credit providers only cater for businesses who are doing well financially and need big amounts of finance. Are there solutions for start-up businesses / start-ups who don’t yet have a stable financial track record, who don’t necessarily have the capacity to make millions and who only need small amounts of financing?
- What tips can you give to people to save on their home loan?
- South Africans have huge levels of debt, how can people avoid the debt trap?
- For people who have a business idea or want to invest in property but struggle to get finance, what would your advice be?
Recent ‘Ronel Talks Money’ interview: Know Your Credit Score
Related online course: Effective Budgeting
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