
Financially Fit and Wealthy Book

Financial fitness is a critical building block to achieve overall wellbeing. If you perceive finances to be tedious or complicated, this book will change your perception. Financially Fit and Wealthy will take you on a step-by-step journey towards improving your financial fitness. No matter where you are on your own financial journey, you will obtain guidance to help you build a more secure financial future for yourself and your family. This book explains financial concepts by way of linking them to concepts and processes you would follow to achieve physical fitness and health, which makes it unique, more fun to read and easy to understand and apply in your personal situation. Financially Fit and Wealthy is a must-read for every individual, regardless of age or gender, who would like to become financially fit and ultimately create wealth.




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  • Easy to read and understand, no complicated jargon.
  • Comprehensive guide to financial fitness.
  • The process to become financially fit is compared to the process to become physically fit, healthy or lose weight; a journey that everybody can relate to and makes it more fun to read.
  • Any person reading the book will learn something that they can apply and benefit from in their personal financial journey.


  • Why you need to be financially fit.
  • How to set financial goals and achieve your goals.
  • How to budget effectively and get savings tips.
  • The steps to become and stay debt free.
  • How to make good investment decisions.
  • What to consider – cash, unit trusts, shares and property investments.
  • Why you need to protect your wealth.
  • How to retire comfortably.
  • How to create financial freedom.
  • The impact your thinking patterns have on your financial decisions.


Financially Fit and Wealthy has been awarded with the AfriCAN Authors 2019 Award in the Financial Literacy category.

Book Donations

R 10.00 of every book sold will be donated to my foundation, The Ronel Jooste Dream Foundation. Help us to take financial literacy to the communities and reduce poverty.




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Foreword Written by Margaret Hirsch

(Co-founder and Chief Operations Officer, Hirsch Group)

Ronel has written a very practical, basic, down to earth, workable, easy to understand book that explains how money works and how to make your money work for you instead of you working for it.


Most people spend their lives chasing money but like anything else, whatever you chase will run away from you. This book teaches you in a practical way how to get your finances in order and help you to live the life that you want. Most people strive for financial freedom – what a wonderful feeling to have enough money at the end of the month and have enough money to buy anything; not only what you want but to also help others.


If you follow the simple guidelines in this book I know that you will get there.


“Such a dynamic, easy read, uplifting and useful ‘tool-book’. A read for every college / high-school student to any adult, with or without a formal education!! Easily understandable and relevant. Would be an excellent addition to any finance or business course.”

Michelle Mitana

“I am not a financial person, so for me to have bought this book was totally not in my framework, but I bought it because I am inspired by Ronel and I wanted to be the first one to support her. What a journey to read it though. I love sport and the book uses sport concepts to explain finances, which made it easy to understand and interesting. I realised my financial situation needed urgent adjustments. I applied the tips from the book – I started planning and stopped spending money on unnecessary things. The book assisted me to become debt-free and it is wonderful going to bed having the assurance that my finances are sorted out. I am not where I want to be yet, but I am working on investments and retirement savings with the help of this book. Thank you Ronel for this easy to read book. It was a joy to read!”

Danette Potgieter

“I loved reading the newly published book Financially Fit and Wealthy and can recommend this book to be used for staff financial literacy training, educating scholars and students on growing their wealth, and for adults who want to learn the basics of growing their wealth.” 

Yoke van Dam

“Ronel Jooste’s book contains critical basic principals regarding financial management of your personal wealth and income streams. This book is an easy and quick read which provides a clear yet simple clarification on acquiring financial wellbeing and I would recommend this book to embark your financial journey. To construct a solid foundation, all the basic formulas must be assembled and foremost understood. First invest in yourself, before you invest in anything else. Thank you Ronel, I appreciate that you are willing to share your apprehension on finances with the rest of the world , to help others on their journey to get financially fit!!!” 

Michelle Woest




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This book will inspire you to start with your journey to create ultimate wellbeing – become and stay fit on a physical and financial level.

“You are responsible for your financial wellbeing and your financial wellbeing has a direct impact on how you experience life. Empower yourself by equipping yourself with comprehensive financial knowledge to be able to make effective financial decisions. If you experience financial difficulty and stress then make a decision to actively do something about it so that you are not financially strained for the rest of your life. You will never regret taking that decision. If you are already doing well financially, focus on how you can improve your financial wellbeing even further.”

The book explains why a budget is crucial and provides tips to practically apply effective budgeting in your personal life.

“A person who wants to participate in a sport needs a fitness base as an entry level. The fitness base provides the foundation on which any goal can be built, irrespective of the goal being to lose weight, to enjoy a sport or to perform and excel in that sport. The more solid the fitness base, the easier it is to achieve the set goals. Budgeting is similar to a fitness base. Budgeting provides an important foundation on which any financial goal can be built. Effective budgeting principles are important for both businesses as well as personal finances.”

The book uses concepts and processes you can relate to. This makes it more fun to read and easy to understand.

“Once you have a strong fitness base and have reduced your body fat/body weight, it is time to start building muscle. Building muscle is essential to become stronger as well as to achieve your ultimate fitness goals and look your best. The same principles apply in the process of becoming financially fit as in achieving physical fitness. Firstly, compile a budget and apply effective expense management techniques to provide you with a solid financial base. Secondly, focus on repaying your debt to cut out the additional weight/fat that puts a lot of financial stress on you. Thirdly, start saving and investing as you want to start adding muscle to your wealth portfolio and become stronger financially.”




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