Are You Financially Fit?

Are You Financially Fit?

Answer these questions to assess your financial fitness. Most people deal with money on a daily basis, whether it is to buy food, to pay for accommodation and transport, to invest or at work. Surely if people deal with money on a daily basis, people should know how to...
Begroot vir Finansiële Sukses in 2019

Begroot vir Finansiële Sukses in 2019

Hierdie artikel het verskyn op Maroela Media op 11 Januarie 2019. Die heerlike Desembervakansie is verby en vir baie mense is Januarie ‘n lang maand met baie uitgawes. Januarie is egter ook die tyd vir ‘n nuwe begin en nuwe doelwitte. Verseker die ideale tyd om jou...
Personal Finances Checklist for 2019

Personal Finances Checklist for 2019

Many people set New Year resolutions for January. Some people aspire to lose weight, to exercise on a regular basis, to eat healthier, to spend more time with their loved ones or to start a new business. We all have more energy, new ideas and new goals at the...